Building a theme website 

Building a theme website

[b]Bar Graph MDI (bar graphs in web browsers)[/b]
[b]Headlines MDI (GRML web browsers)[/b]
[b]Pioneer Report MDI (GRML web browsers)[/b]
[b]Tree MDI (GRML web browsers)[/b]

[b]Soft Award Bar Graph MDI GRML, CSV, and delimited file and web browsers[/b]
[b]Soft Award Headlines MDI GRML, CSV, and delimited file and web browsers[/b]
[b]Soft Award Pioneer Report MDI GRML, CSV, and delimited file and web browsers[/b]
[b]Soft Award Tree MDI GRML, CSV, and delimited file and web browsers[/b]

[b] GRML web browsers[/b]
[b] GRML (web browsers)[/b]
[b]GRML Blog-City (web browsers)[/b]
[b]Browsers Blog[/b]

With a website consisting of articles and newsletters around a main topic, how do you create a 'theme' website?

You have the content and I suggest this is where you want to begin. What makes a site interesting and unique is you and what you have to offer. Much of what your theme will be about comes from this pool. Therefore, your research begins here. Use content to determine what your site is.

Break this information into the base of what it is your site will ultimately be. From here, find your most import sub-topics and keywords. As you are taking this information apart, patterns begin to emerge. There will be gaps where you will want to develop additional content to fill.

This is where I usually start my research. From each section you begin to develop here, seek out what others are doing (competitors or industry leaders). This is to support their interpretation of that particular section. Sometimes it?s their keywords or how they break down the individual sections that are useful in filling those gaps.

With each section, break these down into the individual pages needed to support that section. These are often individual products, or specific services, or an answer to a specific question. This is where you figure out the headings, what text links you need to use to get there, and what title and description to use for the page. All of these features support the theme of the section. Develop each section as a stand-alone whole. However, when attached to other sections, it not only makes sense, but also supports the more universal theme of the site.

Low traffic considerations.

Don?t worry about low traffic when first building a theme site, though it is always a part of the picture. Be sure to have text links with theme relevant text, since they are crucial. With themes you want to stay on target.

What type of traffic do I want?

Targeting your visitor is simply a way of pre-qualifying them before they visit. You are making it easier for qualified customers to find you. This does not exclude the more universal market. However, relevant text links and a theme website applies especially to the targeted market.

How do you organize search terms into a theme hierarchy for a site?

Having followed the suggestions from the original question, you have broken down the website to separate sections. Each section breaks down to the individual parts. These are where you find your keywords. Add to this, the research you do industry-wide and using whatever tools you currently use. It?s not the individual keywords making the theme, but the themes (developed from the content) determine the keywords. Work from what you offer and not some outside force to force fit your product/services.

If you develop each section to stand-alone, determine the most effective way to tie those individual sections so...

1. they support each other and the universal theme of the site.

2. They make sense. For pets, you may need a section on cats, one on dogs, and one on birds. This doesn?t mean these sections directly connect to each other. A common section may be needed to pull these together without diluting the individual parts. Such is true with any industry, at least from my experience.

Some see themes as a pyramid and it makes sense. My vision is different. Themes are a solar system or a planet with revolving satellites. Some satellites connect to each other, not necessarily up-line. They all connect to the main planet. It?s how you go about connecting them that supports and strengthens the universal theme.

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